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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tempus, ligula nec viverra mattis, ex lacus interdum quam, quis maximus purus ante vitae metus.

Donec neque libero, ornare ut sagittis sed, vestibulum at turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi ut vulputate ante. In pulvinar, nisl non aliquam malesuada, erat convallis libero, pellentesque tortor nibh sed nunc. In aliquam volutpat risus et interdum.

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The MenuToday’s menu

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a purus est.
Sed non erat a urna convallis lobortis tempor sit amet risus.

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Recomended DishesChef selection

  • $12.00

    Pork tonkatsu and noodles

    Put the flour on a large, flat plate, then season. Place the breadcrumbs on another and beat the egg in a shallow bowl...

  • $15.00

    Barbecued trout in newspaper

    Preheat the barbecue so it’s hot, or until the coals turn white. Rinse the fish under cold water and pat dry with kitchen paper...

  • $10.00

    Achiote recado pork

    Place the annatto in a small saucepan, cover with a small cupful of cold water, bring to the boil then simmer over low heat for 20 minutes...

  • $8.00

    Ginger & honey chicken wings

    Mix all the marinade ingredients in a bowl to make a sticky sauce. Place the chicken wings in a single layer in a wide, shallow, nonreactive dish...

Recomended DishesChef selection

  • $9.50

    Chicken ‘paella’

    Slice the chorizo, peel and finely dice the onion, and finely dice the peppers. Pick and finely chop the parsley...

  • $11.50

    Sizzling steak stir-fry

    Juicy steak, crunchy greens and sticky soy sauce, all tossed together with knockout authentic Asian flavours of lime, chilli...

  • $9.00

    Sizzling Moroccan prawns

    Strip the rosemary leaves into a pestle and mortar, then peel and add the garlic and pound into a paste with a pinch of sea salt...

  • $10.50

    Chicken & chorizo paella

    Peel and finely slice the garlic, peel and roughly chop the onion and carrot. Finely chop the parsley stalks, then roughly chop the chorizo...

Recomended DishesChef selection

  • $8.50

    Baked feta & tomatoes

    Crumble the feta into large chunks, roughly chop some of the tomatoes, leaving the smaller ones whole, then destone the olives. ...

  • $12.00

    Prawn and watermelon salad

    Put the zest and juice of one of the limes in a bowl and toss the prawns in it. Leave to marinate while you prepare the other ingredients...

  • $7.50

    BBQ beef short ribs

    Place the ribs in a snug-fitting roasting tray, season with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil, then rub all over...

  • $10.00

    Mozzarella & winter fruit salad

    Wash the rocket and spin dry. Slice the pith and peel from the oranges, cut them in half horizontally and break into chunks...


    Meat Ourinspired chefs

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a purus est. Sed non erat a urna convallis lobortis tempor sit amet risus.

    Quisque fermentum, augue in eleifend congue, ex velit pellentesque lorem, non egestas mi tortor imperdiet turpis. Maecenas ullamcorper congue pellentesque.

    More great tips

    TestemonialsSatisfied tasters


    Lusy- Food artist -

    “ Donec sed lacus tortor. Cras pretium sit amet enim sed pellentesque. Quisque ut pretium erat. Pellentesque condimentum quam pellentesque arcu molestie mollis. Nam imperdiet aliquam libero, vel molestie velit lobortis sit amet. “


    Martha- Food artist -

    “ Donec sed lacus tortor. Cras pretium sit amet enim sed pellentesque. Quisque ut pretium erat. Pellentesque condimentum quam pellentesque arcu molestie mollis. Nam imperdiet aliquam libero, vel molestie velit lobortis sit amet. “


    Jessica- Food artist -

    “ Donec sed lacus tortor. Cras pretium sit amet enim sed pellentesque. Quisque ut pretium erat. Pellentesque condimentum quam pellentesque arcu molestie mollis. Nam imperdiet aliquam libero, vel molestie velit lobortis sit amet. “


    Lusy- Food artist -

    “ Donec sed lacus tortor. Cras pretium sit amet enim sed pellentesque. Quisque ut pretium erat. Pellentesque condimentum quam pellentesque arcu molestie mollis. Nam imperdiet aliquam libero, vel molestie velit lobortis sit amet. “

    ReservationsBook your table

    Opening Hours

    Monday - Friday07:00 - 23:00

    Sutarday - Sunday07:00 - 00:00

    Online booking

    “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sit amet fermentum ex. Proin ornare arcu quis pretium commodo.”

    Latest NewsFood blog news

    Creamy mushroom soup

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent urna

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    Malaysian beef curry

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent urna

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    Royal barbecued pork loin

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